
Has your practice moved ONLINE?

“Online? I don’t have time for that!”- A common response given by most doctors when we talk to them about going online. Most doctors to a great extent consider the web to be a place where people book a movie ticket or go online on Facebook and write about what they had for dinner. Actually …

E-Patients: Technology Empowered!

We came across this brilliant TED Talk from Dave deBronkart on how he survived Cancer with patient power! – a must watch for Patients & Doctors alike. The key points for us to take away have been discussed in this post. All are not completely related to the talk though. TEDxMaastricht Talk by E-Patient Dave …

Heart to Heart: Dr. Savadi – Inputs for younger Dentists

Dr. Ravindra Savadi – Prof. & HOD Prosthodontics Department, Oxford Dental College | Editor, The Journal of Prosthodontic Society spoke to us at Practo about his learning’s from his 17 years of practicing and what younger doctors & dentists should keep in mind as they grow in their careers. Below are the key points to …

Whats wrong with Indian Dentistry? Problem 1: Dentistry is marketed poorly

Indian dentists are feeling the pinch. Today’s patients are spoilt for choice and are more demanding, while dentists seem to be springing up everywhere and patients seem to be drying up. Moreover, costs are going up but charges are increasingly being discounted. What do Dentists do, whom do they blame? Through this article, I attempt to bust a few …

5 ways how iPad will change your practice

Finally, a computer which does not need any installation, setup, hardware or software configuration, virus protection, training to use. This magical computing device is called the Apple iPad. Is this device a necessity or a luxury? Can this device help improve your practice?

How safe is your data online?

This question can be further broken down to 3 basic questions – 1) How safe is the web today? 2) What are the right questions to ask your web application provider (gmail, facebook etc) ? 3) Is safe? 1) How safe is the web today? In the past 10 years, web based solutions & …