
A picture could get you four times the appointments

A picture speaks a thousand words. Internet psychologist Graham Jones says, “ it seems from recent research that profile pictures are relatively unique in being more important than the words.” This is exactly why we’re harping on the importance of updating your profile on Practo. It’s not just about your name and your address. Our …

We have started Upgrades for Practo Ray v6!

“Fabulous”, “Awesome”, “Comprehensive” – these were some of the words used by our customers who were thrilled with the Practo Ray v6 demo release last week! Yes! the response that we have received so far has been nothing short of amazing! So, building up on that encouragement, starting today, we will begin making Practo Ray …

Practo Ray v6 Demos are now Available!

The past few weeks we have been working really hard on making Practo Ray v6 available to users and everyone else who have been waiting for it. Practo Ray v6 demos are now available to all Ray users, marking the first step taken towards its release. All existing users will be able to see the …

‘Going Digital’- the need of the hour for Doctors!

Newspapers have been abuzz since morning with Hurricane Sandy disrupting life in East coast of US. Bangalore has also been experiencing chilly evenings with heavy downpours. And in a recent news article online, the Met Department has confirmed that the depression over the Bay of Bengal has intensified into a cyclone that will hit land …

Has your practice moved ONLINE?

“Online? I don’t have time for that!”- A common response given by most doctors when we talk to them about going online. Most doctors to a great extent consider the web to be a place where people book a movie ticket or go online on Facebook and write about what they had for dinner. Actually …

E-Patients: Technology Empowered!

We came across this brilliant TED Talk from Dave deBronkart on how he survived Cancer with patient power! – a must watch for Patients & Doctors alike. The key points for us to take away have been discussed in this post. All are not completely related to the talk though. TEDxMaastricht Talk by E-Patient Dave …

Heart to Heart: Dr. Savadi – Inputs for younger Dentists

Dr. Ravindra Savadi – Prof. & HOD Prosthodontics Department, Oxford Dental College | Editor, The Journal of Prosthodontic Society spoke to us at Practo about his learning’s from his 17 years of practicing and what younger doctors & dentists should keep in mind as they grow in their careers. Below are the key points to …

[Patient Education Series – Post 2] – Dental Implant Video

Over the last decade, the number of dental implants and bone grafts has increased manifold. The advancements in the technologies used in implant dentistry, the obvious benefits of an implant over other makeshift measures, the availability of information on the subject to patients, and also the rise in standard of living of people in general …