Doctor Catching Up on LaptopThe Internet is now a worldwide repository of all information. It can seamlessly be accessed by billions around the globe, without even getting out of their chairs.

But information has to be present online to be accessed. So the question you need to ask yourself as a doctor is ‘Is my clinic or my practice present on the Internet?’. A quick Google Search of your medical specialization along with your locality will tell you if your clinic has an online presence, and also show you who the most popular doctors in your locality are. You cannot afford to miss the online wave. The number of people searching for doctors online has been steadily increasing over the past few years and online presence for doctors is a bare necessity.

Here are some additional ways in which having an online presence for your clinic can help your practice:

1. Mobile Patients

The growth of smartphones and handheld devices in the last few years have led to patients relying on quick mobile searches for finding nearby doctors while on the move. You would definitely not want to miss out on a patient who is already in your locality and is in need of a doctor. Having a presence on the internet will ensure that your clinic details appear on the mobile screens of all patients who are looking for a doctor like you. You can get started with creating a Google Map and Bing Map listing for your clinic and registering on online classifieds to appeal to mobile patients

2. Branding

Having an online presence for your clinic is similar to having a hoarding of your clinic on a main road. It serves as a real-estate on the web, which will promote your name on the internet to a very targeted audience. People who see your clinic’s name on the internet regularly would be able to recall your name the next time they are looking for a doctor and will in all probability consult you. You shall definitely reap long term benefits once you start promoting yourself on the internet.

3. Worldwide Presence

Have you ever considered the possibility that a patient suffering in a far corner of the world might be considering travel to India to get himself treated and that your clinic would be the best choice for him? An estimated 1.5 lac patients travel to India every year for treatment. Having an online presence means that your clinic is visible all over the world on the internet and anyone considering to travel to your city for a particular procedure would most likely come across your clinic. This will not only help you in getting more business but also in spreading the name of your clinic across the world.

4. Targeted Appeal

One of the most key differentiating factor between traditional advertising and online advertising is that the latter attracts only relevant customers thereby increasing the effectiveness. For example, if being a dietitian, you decide to circulate pamphlets for your clinic in your locality, can you be sure as to how many of those pamphlets were seen by those needing a dietitian? On the other hand, if you were to have an online presence, your advertisement / listing will appear to only those patients who are actively searching for a dietitian.

5. Staying Relevant

India is a country of the young, who keep up with latest technologies and are quick to adopt innovation. It is natural for your patients to expect their doctors to also follow suit. Having an online presence for your clinic sends out the right message to your prospective and existing patients that your clinic is keeping pace with technology.

6. Cost Effective

Setting up an online presence for your clinic is completely free. You can get started by creating free accounts for your clinic on popular social networking sites such as Facebook, Linkedin and Google Plus along with registering your clinic in online classifieds. Then there are dedicated websites that focus exclusively on helping patients find doctors in a particular locality.

So it is obvious that not being online could turn away potential patients. Getting listed online has considerable benefits, now is the best time to do it.