5 things your medical clinic staff must be trained in

Your clinical staff is there to work for you and provide the best care and experience possible to your patients, and doing this effectively requires their expertise to be of par. Here are five simple yet critical things you should ensure your clinical staff is trained in: 1. Cross Train As Many Staff As Possible Your …

What are ICD-10 codes and why are they important for doctors?

The International Classification of Disease (ICD) is a standard diagnostic tool created by the World Health Organization (WHO), for monitoring the incidence and prevalence of diseases and related conditions. The ICD has diverse clinical applications, and is used not just by doctors but also by paramedic staff, insurance companies, researchers and policy makers. ICD is …

The doctor-patient relationship: How doctors can build trust

Trust takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair – Anonymous Trust has always been a cornerstone for effective doctor–patient relationships, as it correlates a patient’s vulnerability with the competence and intentions of the doctor. Building trust takes time and effort, but as a doctor, a strong rapport with patients will improve …

Top 10 medical universities in the world for post-graduation

If you are planning on studying in a foreign medical school or considering a post-graduation, a good starting point is to have a look at the top medical universities around the world. This article provides a list of world’s top 10 universities, based on the academic reputation, citations and overall reviews of alumni, from a post-graduation …

Is medical transcription a good career option for doctors?

With the advent of information technology in healthcare, the medical world is fast leaping into a technological revolution. A merger of medicine with IT has brought forward a new scientific realm – Healthcare IT – that has opened doors of opportunities for both healthcare as well as non-healthcare professionals. Medical transcription is one such avenue. …

What is cloud storage and how does it impact medical practice?

Everybody is talking about cloud technology. You’ve heard of ‘storing data on the cloud’ from smartphone makers (Apple’s iCloud being the prime example) to companies like Dropbox and Evernote that base their entire businesses on the cloud. Cloud storage is not just an emerging technology trend in the tech industry, it is also becoming popular …