Visiting a medical physician can raise many apprehensions for patients. It is fairly common that the time spent by the patient while waiting to see the doctor itself hikes up their anxiety levels drastically. It is important for the physician to note that the patient probably spends only 10 minutes with them and a majority of the time is spent …
Best practices in Patient Scheduling
Original Article by Dr. Rachita Narsaria, MD. For patients, scheduling an appointment might be a click away, but for the people who manage and schedule the appointments it can be a mammoth task. No patient wants to waste time sitting in a waiting room and no doctor wants to be kept waiting or rushed while …
Is Cloud Storage Safe? What HealthCare Providers Need to Know
Given the fact that healthcare data is doubling every year, medical institutions face a new challenge in terms of secure storage space. It is becoming increasingly difficult to manage rapidly growing data on traditional informational technology (IT) systems. The need to store such a huge amount of sensitive data is gradually pushing the healthcare industry to look for …
Dr. MBA: B-School Lessons for Doctors
Business skills are at the core of any commercial establishment, and the medical practice of today is just like any other small business. To be at par with peers and remain competitive in this saturated market, doctors can no longer rely on purely medical skills; they must learn management and business skills as well. Moreover, …
The New Patient Journey: How Patients Discover You
If you are reading this article on your desktop, laptop or your mobile device you would have already heard about the new patient journey. You would have already experienced patients coming to you from new channels, or might have heard anecdotes about other doctors and how the internet helped bring new patients into their practices. Earlier, …
5 Billing Mistakes A Medical Practice Should Avoid
The billing department is an important part of a medical practice. Running a successful medical practice requires a sound and efficient revenue system. Billing practices that are not optimized tend have a domino effect, that extends throughout the office. Needless to say that eliminating billing mistakes is critical for a practice to thrive. Here are the …
Best Practices for Patient Management
Patient satisfaction is an important priority for physicians. The success of patient management depends not only on the physician’s diligence, but also on the patient’s cooperation. It is also governed by external factors such as disease statistics, type of illness, the population in a given area and disease prevalence etc. Simply put, care management can be defined …
Monitoring Vital Signs Made Simple
There might be many parameters for Doctors to ascertain the state of a patient’s health, but none of them paint such an accurate picture of as Vital Signs do. It helps doctors get key insights into their patients ailments by looking at the basic indicators of general health – their temperature, respiratory rate, blood pressure, pulse and …
5 Scheduling Mistakes Your Practice Should Avoid
Scheduling can become a nightmare for practices if not planned and handled well. If you rely on manual on-call schedules to assign appointments to doctors, you’ll know what we are talking about. Balancing the number of patients and the quality of care dispensed can be challenging, but it’s important for your success. Miscalculations can potentially lead to overbooking or underbooking …
Do EMRs improve clinical outcomes? – A brief literature review
An electronic medical record, also known as EMR, is defined as an electronic compilation of one’s healthcare information. (More about EMRs) It is an electronic database containing information about the medical history, allergies, medications, vaccinations, prior hospitalizations & visits, procedures & surgeries, radiology images, laboratory results, vital signs and statistics, and all relevant medical information. EMRs …