
Best Practices for Patient Management

Patient satisfaction is an important priority for physicians. The success of patient management depends not only on the physician’s diligence, but also on the patient’s cooperation. It is also governed by external factors such as disease statistics, type of illness, the population in a given area and disease prevalence etc. Simply put, care management can be defined …

Monitoring Vital Signs Made Simple

There might be many parameters for Doctors to ascertain the state of a patient’s health, but none of them paint such an accurate picture of as Vital Signs do. It helps doctors get key insights into their patients ailments by looking at the basic indicators of general health –  their temperature, respiratory rate, blood pressure, pulse and …

Medical gadget of the week: The Oto Pro smartphone otoscope

In the US, ear infections are one of the most common reasons for children in visiting paediatricians. In fact, as high as 90% of children tend to have ear infections before they turn seven. Not just children, even adults face ear pain and ear-related disorders, and that number is as high as 20 million doctor visits every …

5 Scheduling Mistakes Your Practice Should Avoid

Scheduling can become a nightmare for practices if not planned and handled well. If you rely on manual on-call schedules to assign appointments to doctors, you’ll know what we are talking about. Balancing the number of patients and the quality of care dispensed can be challenging, but it’s important for your success. Miscalculations can potentially lead to overbooking or underbooking …

Do EMRs improve clinical outcomes? – A brief literature review

An electronic medical record, also known as EMR, is defined as an electronic compilation of one’s healthcare information. (More about EMRs) It is an electronic database containing information about the medical history, allergies, medications, vaccinations, prior hospitalizations & visits, procedures & surgeries, radiology images, laboratory results, vital signs and statistics, and all relevant medical information. EMRs …

How to choose an internet service provider in India

Whether you’re setting up your clinic, or just need a new connection for your home, choosing among the multiple Internet Service Providers (ISP) available might seem like a daunting task. With so many offers, tariffs and agents vying for your attention, the right one for you might not be obvious. So we’ve compiled some tips on making a solid …

Setting Up a Nursing Home in India

Setting up a nursing home can be tough, but if done systematically, a great learning experience too. A tremendous amount of research and meticulous planning has to be done to execute a well-functioning nursing home. Here are a few guidelines to help you iron out the kinks in your plan before you get down to …

World’s Top 5 Medical Journals and How Much They Cost

The field of medicine is vast and there is a huge amount of research and clinical trials being carried out all over the world. The best way to stay abreast of cutting edge research is by sifting through scientific journals which are readily available in print and online. Most medical journals are peer reviewed, thus maintaining …