We spoke about the first 5 common mistakes made while opening a clinic in India, which you can read here. Read on for the rest of it.
6. Not checking the demand for a doctor in the locality
Gauging the need and demand for your specific specialty in the location you choose is pretty good predictor of your clinic’s success. See what kind of people live in that locality, and the general age group.
7. Not focusing on the patient experience
Getting patients to re-visit your clinic is largely dependent on their experience. Having an organised medical record, regular communication regarding appointments and and taking their feedback lets patients know that you care about them. Also see if other areas of your clinic such as the entrance, waiting room have a clean and fresh vibe.
8. Not having a web presence
It’s almost become cliched to say that everybody is online, but it’s still important. People everyday turn to the internet seeking information, and judging by the number of patients at practo.com, patients use it to find their doctors too. A web profile means better exposure and a steady stream of patients.
9. Not having a clinic opening
The day you open your clinic is a special occasion. You are adding value to the locality with your medical services, and you need to let people know that. Depending on whatever fits your budget, have a ceremony. Offer Free check-ups if possible. Do something that people really need, and they’ll remember you next time they need a doctor.
10. Not having a checklist
As you can see from this post, setting up a clinic is a long and sometimes complicated process. So map everything out, and make a checklist of all the tasks you need to do in order to open your clinic. Use this checklist to organise your efforts into getting your clinic opened. This way, you leave little room for error and you can be sure that you don’t miss anything out.
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